Sunday, May 29, 2005


We're all going to hell in a hand basket. And the new "Bilingual Elmo" is carrying that basket. And the two languages it speaks are English and Spanish. WTF is wrong with this picture? It seems that good old Wally-World is keen on catering to the multilingual communities and if indeed that be the case then why aren't they catering to me? While my totaly comprehension of foreign languages is limited, I do enough to function in society (and to make an ass of myself). Anyway I can speak French, German, pig latin (yes it counts), some sign language (more than just the finger), and I know one word in Czech. So that makes 6 counting English. Holy crap I have this wretched feeling that the next Bilingual Elmo to hit the market will speak ebonics and ghetto. It seems that I keep getting on this soapbox. Perhaps I should just stay up here. There's plenty of room for more. Keep a look out on E-bay. There may be a Tickle-Me-Elmo and Singing-Alphabet-Elmo on there soon. Hell I don't need them anymore. Just looking at them makes me furious. 'Til next time...


Howard said...

There seema to be one language nearly everyone understands. MONEY!

Michelle said...

Whatever happend to toys that were just fun. Not educational.....the ones that had no point except entertainment? I'm all about teaching my kid stuff....but what if he just flat out wants to play?

Julia said...

Oh, I forgot about money. That means I can speak 7 languages. Great comment Howard, thanks for stopping by.

Michelle, do you remember the Fisher Price little people farm? That mooed everytime you opened the barn door? And who could forget a Barbie doll and a pair of scissors. That's entertainment!

Anonymous said...

and cookie monster now eats vegetables! Society has no place for fun..have to be smart have to make money have to not offend have to become little thinking robots without any COOKIES!

Anonymous said...

Hola Julia, Como e'sta?? I like the site, very cool. I agree with you on the whole elmo thing, I was in Walmart the other day, and they were playing all these announcements in spanish, and not one in English, I mean it's fine to do the Spanish ones, but none in english is rediculous. So preach on sister. Frogie