Thursday, February 10, 2005

This one's for Cpl Joe...

...actually it's for me, but it's dedicated to Joe. I found this one last night and the 7th line had me puzzled. Of course I had it figured out at 3:00 this morning...that's when all my epiphanies happen (whatever). Anywho here goes...and PS to Michelle - you better be the first one to figure out the 7th line!!!

Finite and fickle
These words describe
Me well
I think of
Seven others
Just ask
Mr. Spacey
Now in this
Relatively humble
Mind setting
I can make
A covenant
With you
One that
Shall never
Be broken
Because we
Are a cord
Of four strands
The strongest of bonds
These words
Are sincere
The meaning
Is deep and true
I will not
Take them back
The devil can't
Make me don that
By your power
I have overcome
And I can
Teach others
To take arms
For my covenant
Semper Fidelis
To be forever faithful
And I will
Fight this
Spiritual battle
In faith
In word
In deed

9/8/01 jdh
For Charles Joseph Canning, USMC

Monday, February 07, 2005

My gut hurts from laughing, and here's why...

Let's set the the football hater extraordinaire was visiting Cheryl and David last night and yes, I watched the super bowl (Live and Let Die was the best part!!!!). My brother calls from the outback hills of Missouri. When he finds out that I'm there, he sends me a little message via Cheryl, "there is language on your blog that is unbecoming of a lady." Now please keep in mind this is slightly paraphrased from what he actually said, because every time I recall this memory I start to bust a gut again. And now in response to my brother, "WHATEVER!"

More poetry is forthcoming. I say that because it's stuck in my brain somewhere. Later.....

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

I wrote this in honor (or whatever) of black history month.

"My Reply"
2/6/97 jdh

I too have a dream
Not of liberty or equality
But one of eternity
Impossible as it may seem

I too have a vision
I too have seen the promised land
Where my Father & I walk hand in hand
No more division

I too will be free at last
I'll thank God Almighty personally
And He'll say gracefully, "Well done"
And all will have passed