Monday, February 07, 2005

My gut hurts from laughing, and here's why...

Let's set the the football hater extraordinaire was visiting Cheryl and David last night and yes, I watched the super bowl (Live and Let Die was the best part!!!!). My brother calls from the outback hills of Missouri. When he finds out that I'm there, he sends me a little message via Cheryl, "there is language on your blog that is unbecoming of a lady." Now please keep in mind this is slightly paraphrased from what he actually said, because every time I recall this memory I start to bust a gut again. And now in response to my brother, "WHATEVER!"

More poetry is forthcoming. I say that because it's stuck in my brain somewhere. Later.....


Michelle said...

Isn't it funny when you think siblings aren't looking, they come out and say something about it? I can't hear Donald saying anything "foul", but I haven't been around him very long. On top of that I had morning sickness from....well better watch what I say so I won't be "unbecoming of a lady"....Hades.

Julia said...

Honestly...the most foul thing I ever remember hearing him say is "frog-face." And yes, when you're about 6 years old and riddled with chicken pox, name calling is foul. Ha-ha, love you big brother!