Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Random tidbits...

Is it the 06-07 hockey season yet?!?

Oh honey! Art Linkletter said it best that 'kids say the darndest things.' My nephew Zane told me not to eat baked beans because they make you toot. Little devil. You need to have him tell you a knock-knock joke one of these days.

The idiots next door think they can cover-up their sex sounds by cranking the volume on the TV. It doesn't work you *#$%&+!*&%$# morons!

Is it the 06-07 hockey season yet?!?

Dan, the un-official office hooligan has been going around telling dirty limericks. He dared me to go 'commando' a few weeks ago. I wore a dress to work and he thinks that I actually did it (buying the expensive seamless undies at Lane Bryant is an excellent investment!)

I may have to start a new countdown in the near future...I'm dying to know if it's the 06-07 hockey season yet.


Anonymous said...

so a baby seal ran into a club..

Anonymous said...

oh, is it 06-07 yet?

Samantha said...

Yes, Julie, yes it is the 06-07 season. Saying it makes it so, right?

Anonymous said...

Julia, loved the balcony pictures, told you that you should be a photographer.The other pic I really liked was three generations and one refrig, I also think you should write a book, see you Monday. Diane