Saturday, May 20, 2006

Ramblings and other miseries

Well, it appears that I have un-officially made the mother angry again. This time all I did was tell her that Brokeback Mountain was a boring movie. She started muttering something about not watching because of principles...blah, blah, blah. I got the movie from the library, so I didn't lose any money paying rental fees. Anywho Brokeback was extremely boring, moved too slow, soundtrack sucked (and the damn thing won the Oscar for musical score...I think...what a fucking outrage...John Williams gets two nominations and the award goes to this crap?!?!?) I can't wait to hear what the mother says about me going to see DaVinci Code.

In other news, I've had three different people come up to me this week and tell me that I need to get screwed and soon...oh yeah, like that's really going to solve my problems.

My team is out of the Stanley Cup least there is still a Canadian team I'll be cheering for Edmonton.

My car is officially demon possessed. The check engine light is on and my windshield wipers will start going off for no apparent reason.

I think my friend in Arizona has officially committed a 'Thelma & Louise.' I haven't heard from him since Thanksgiving. I've sent him e-cards for Valentine's, St Patty's, and Easter. I always ask for a confirmation e-mail, but haven't received anything yet.

Get ready to feel the earth tremble...I miss AOL...It's nice that the library staff all know me by my first name now, but having to come down here for only 30 minutes at a time is driving me nucking futs!

That's all for now. There's a line for this computer.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

yea like "getting screwed" will solve your problems....might add more. Will he call? Will this wash off? j/k I had no desire to see brokeback mountain...don't know why...just didn't. I want to tell you that Tristan still likes to watch hockey because he was watching a game last weekend and got upset when I tried to turn it off.