Tuesday, August 09, 2005


We're all going to hell in a handbasket!

This time the basket is being carried by Dusty Dvoracek and Todd Bertruzzi. Here's why: that place that has the audacity to call themselves the university of Oklahoma has never followed the rules, has never followed through on a punishment, they a lot of good talk but fail to walk the walk. How else would that idiot Dvoracek have gotten reinstated to the football team? Oh, I suppose I need to mention that he did apply for medical hardship with the NCAA (whatever). I swear the only good thing to come out of that school was my cousin Angie (hooray! How are you, Mike, and Tabitha?).

And don't even get me started on the Bertruzzi incident. He was supposedly slapped with a lifetime ban from the NHL. However, according to yesterday's e-mail newspaper he was reinstated. HOLY SHIT PEOPLE! The vicious pig bastard took a cheap shot on another player which broke his neck and the another is (un)officially a quadriplegic now. Now hockey is my sport and the occasional cheap shot is practically mandatory when you're on the defensive/offensive/face-off/whatever. But this particular incident went a bit too far. The reasoning behind this was that his year suspension was over. WTF?!? Need I remind you that there wasn't a season last year (thanks again to vicious pig bastards). I feel that Bertruzzi's punishment should be carried over and apply to this season of actual gameplay.

That's just the way I feel about things, crap, whatever. I shall now get back to work, or shall now start to work, whatever. Only three more days babe...

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