Sunday, August 21, 2005

Again I ask, why do I need a title?

Those that know me best acknowledge the fact that I am an extremely impatient person. Those that know me best will all acknowledge my frustration intended by this next sentence -- THIS WAITING THING IS KILLING ME!!! October 21, 2005 can't get here fast enough. That's two whole months left of waiting. OH THE AGONY. They've already started pre-season football and crap like that, so why can't they have some pre-season hockey? I'm dying here!

I had to get that off my chest. Thanks for bearing with me on this. I suppose I'll have to do a countdown like I did for Episode III (may the force and the puck be with us).

And now to catch everyone up on things. I left Bone & Joint Hospital and have started with a company called Phy-Con. I've been there a week and I absolutely love it! It's a very nurturing environment yet completely psychotic environment (in the very best sense of the word). I'm going to like it there.

On Thursday the 18th I made a visit to 23rd Street Body Piercing in OKC. I spent alot of time with a totally gorgeous guy named Mike (oh the green eyes were faboo). And I left the place with an extra bit of jewelry in my nose. I had my left nostril done. I'm still trying to get used to the constant booger sensation I've got. It's just been a few days and they said that was to be expected.

I'm at the library right now and I've just received a message that my time is almost up. I hate to cut this short, but I'll add more tomorrow...

1 comment:

Michelle said...

yay Julia has a piercing! So when you going to cath up to me?......