Wednesday, January 26, 2005

1/26/05 part two

Congratulations are in order. It is January the 26th and I have only broken one of my three new year's resolutions. Here they are: 1) stop drinking all carbonated beverages. 2) start keeping a better check register. 3) decrease usage of my favorite word, you know the one, it rhymes with duck. So guess which one I have broken. Come on, isn't it just completely fucking obvious? Ha-ha!

Seriously though...I've not been saying it everyday. But last night in the span of approximately two minutes I used it at least three times, maybe four (damn stupid pathetic hockey refs).

By the way...have I told you lately that I hate my job and despise my boss? Of course I do love it when she leaves, then I just sit around, goof off, and blog.

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