Wednesday, September 14, 2005

He's out to get me...

...oh how I wish that I were referring to a French Canadian man in a bulky uniform...but alas, I'm not...on with the story...

I happen to know a guy who is a dead ringer for Stephen King. Most of my usual blog readers will know to whom I am referring. He used to manage the Sonic in Guthrie. On two-fer night Tuesday 'the mother' and I would go for burgers and it never failed....he would be the one to take the order. "Welcome to Sonic may I take your order?" "Yeah, don't kill me." (as a side note...never, never, never, never, and I do mean never go to the Guthrie Sonic. You'll probably die of food poisoning due to change in management -- ain't that a riot?) Anywho things have seemed to come full circle. I've finally reached a point of happiness in my life....great apartment, great job, great seats for a certain sporting event....when all of a sudden, last week I started sleeping with my closet light on. Now I consider myself to be a heavy sleeper, despite the tossing and turning, and have been told that I snore and/or sing in my sleep. So what has happened to bring about this sudden change in lifestyle?? Well honey let me tell ya...Christine is parked directly under my bedroom window. I ain't lying. One of my new neighbors drives a 1966 Plymouth Fury. When I leave for work in the morning I swear to God it's always staring at me. It'll probably follow me around town one of these days. (conspiracy theorists and taunters of younger sisters please provide your comments now).

One final thing before do I post a blog roll on my main page? Michelle?!?! Yoo-hoo Michelle I think I need your help on this one!


Anonymous said...

oooooooo there's a Castlerock Rd in Edmond, maybe if you move there, and the neighbor follows you, and there's a strange dog next door, and Sparrows all around..
Sweet Dreams!!

Anonymous said...

also, it's not to far down the road from where that former Sonic guy lives!!

Michelle said...

Okay...I can e-mail you the stuff you need to make a blogroll..I'll explain how in it kay?

Julia said...

Oh yeah sure, I'll move to Castlerock Rd, does it intersect with Needful Things Lane? Will my other neighbor be named Dolores? All work and no play make Jack buried in the pet cemetary.

Did I leave out any other King Cliches?!?!?