Friday, March 11, 2005

Brother dear I hope you're not reading this...

...because it's about to get ugly.

My hockey team won tonight! Woo-hoo! So I snuck into work to do a quick blog. Everyone should know that giving the refs crap during any type of sporting event is just another part of the game. So that's what I did tonight with the CHL's official worst referee. I yelled my official, "Hey ref you are so full of shit!" (incidentally that's the only word I said all night). This lady in front of me turns around and tells me that I need to watch my mouth. (whatever). Of course in the very next period SHE is telling someone to go fuck themselves. But I got her back. One of the players was mouthing one of those phrases that everybody can read lips to. So I yelled at him "You'd better watch your mouth or the language police will be coming after you."

The last home game is tomorrow night against Memphis. (Hey Michelle & Tristan -- fly home I've got some free vouchers -- ha ha!) This lady better not try and say anything to me. If anyone hears any strange noises tomorrow night, it's the sound of someone's face being ripped off. I'd better get home now. I hear security coming down the hall...


Michelle said...

Boy do I wish we could make it to a hockey game. You should hear the lungs on that little boy. He'd yell at the ref's right along with you.

Julia said...

There's always next season when you, me, and Jesse can get together at the plexiglass. Oh, and if the kid is still yelling, he can tag-a-long...he may get us a puck (nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more).