Thursday, December 09, 2004

Bumper Stickers

I've come up with a new bumper sticker slogan: "Having your nose rubbed in shit is for pets who crap on the floor, not for hard working employees looking for a little respect!" I can just see all the reports on the news about tail gating and car wrecks from trying to read stickers on cars. Perhaps it's not such a hot idea after all. Those of you who have kept up with the blog now have an update on my current work situation.

In other news - Tuesday's party was awesome! My digital camera died and I only got about 5 or 6 pics, but I was in arm's length of hockey divinity all night long. I also got serenaded by six tone-deaf Canadians 'twas ever-so-magical. But seriously, I had a blast. I got to meet some of the eye candy - I mean players - and I also got to talk to head coach Doug Sauter. I met this girl named Meredith and she's as crazy as I am. All night long she kept saying, "Ooh cut me off a piece of that!" To which I replied, "Hell just give me the whole thing." And the best part is...I didn't make a fool out of myself. I talked with the guys without drooling, stuttering, sighing, or playing the blinky-eyelash-game like the 'arena trash' girls do. They know that I'm real.

I've been browsing other blogs recently just to get some inspiration and ideas for writing. I came across alot of poets and authors. I should start posting my poetic thoughts. I'm just afraid of copyright infringement and stuff like that. I don't want someone stealing my words, my thoughts, or my soul and getting praise for what I've done (hey, I already deal with that kind of shit at work. I don't need it from my blog family too, ya know what I mean?) Anywho poetry to come in the near future. I may dig in the archive and then after the new year write something fresh.

Love to all and remember if you don't hear bones crunching, the body check was null and void. Ooh, another good idea for a bumper sticker!!!

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