Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Who needs a title?

What are you supposed to do when you have no respect for your boss? More importantly what do you do when the boss doesn't respect you, doesn't listen to your concerns and ideas, and often forgets that you even exist? My Dad says I should quit (he also said a bunch of other stuff...use your imagination). Well, if I had any prospects or something to fall back on, I'd hand in my resignation in a moment. You know, the resignation I've had written out ever since I took this blankety-blank-blank job. I often feel like calling my friend in Los Angeles and cashing in on our suicide pact. Don't worry. It's not for real, it's just a psycho-bizarre coping mechanism.

I feel that I'm never allowed to take pride in my work anymore -- and that just does wonders for my already non-existent self esteem. Moral of the story -- never work for a not-for-profit Catholic affiliated hospital. Just kidding. Many apologies to those who practice Catholicism.

Not to get off the subject, but one of these days I'll get my home computer fixed (beware of DSL frying your modem) and I'll be able to blog on a regular basis. I'll keep you posted on the work events, but now I must go home, dry, eat ice cream, and watch Smallville.

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