Sunday, February 19, 2006

It was a good week... the central hockey league. The Blazers played three games and won all of them (HOORAY). The game last Tuesday was the 2nd annual kids' day game. I got to take the day off and was in absolute hockey glory. But the highlight of the week, without a doubt, was last night when the Blazers played the Wichita Thunder (I think I used my favorite word no less than 60 times...I'm not sure...I lost count after 20). The two most notable names for Wichita are Travis Clayton and Jason Duda...both first class assholes (if anyone from Wichita happens to be reading this, I can legally get away with saying that because I've been UNfortunate to have met the pair). Anywho, everybody and their dog had signs last night. The best one was over in section 105 and said "Clayton and Duda starring in Brokeback Thunder." It was a beautiful thing. The second best sign goes to section 120...someone had drawn a picture of a ref with his head stuck up his butt...another thing of beauty. I got to see beer guy for the first time in 2 1/2 weeks. If only crazy dancing gay white guy had been there...

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