Sunday, April 10, 2005

It's later...

I'm sitting here at work, utterly miserable as usual. I'm trying to finish up my work, write this post, and plan my next trip to Dallas all at the same time. Honey, it ain't working.

I know it seems I always go to Dallas whenever I have the urge to go on a road trip; but this time it's mandatory that I go. The trip is tentatively scheduled for July 28 and will consist of the same old routine -- go to the Hard Rock, go to Dealey Plaza and write some more poetry, take more pics of the grassy knoll (it's a big concrete wall I hope you know), go to the Eminem and D12 concert, go over to Grapevine Mall, and let's not forget the obligatory tattoo. Oh wait, did I mention Eminem? I've been to every ticket agent on-line and they don't have anything available. My fear is that the show is already sold out (damn Texans).

Moving on -- After living in downtown OKC for almost 18 months, I finally went down to the library and got my card (hooray). The new library is huge. I was in there approx. 90 minutes and the lady at the check out said "did you make it upstairs?" Whoa, I didn't know there was an upstairs. I was just cruising through the fantasy/sci-fi looking for Tolkien supplements and then made my way over to the videos. Upstairs -- holy cow. I guess the library will be my new Saturday routine. Anywho I found a couple of older movies that I've been dying to see. I borrowed Catch 22 (I'm in love with Yossarian) and Fahrenheit 451 (Mr. Bradbury - why didn't you sue that bastard Michael Moore).

Super condensed version - the character Montag flees the city and finds the refuge of 'the book people.' They've formed this commune in the middle of the forest and everyone introduces themselves as a book they've memorized (I like how the movie goes into a little more description with this than the book did). So I've spent the last week trying to figure out which book I am. Some of my fave books are Gone with the Wind, Piercing the Darkness, Pride and Prejudice, Fahrenheit 451, Catcher in the Rye. But then I remembered that the people are the book that they memorized. So here's my introduction "Hello, I'm One Fish, Two Fish." Oh Lord how depressing. To think of all the reading that I've ever done, I have the most words memorized from a Dr. Seuss book. Hey! There's good motivation for more daily reading of my Bible. Then I can say "Hello, I'm Proverbs chapter 31."

Not much else is going on. Here's the non-Jerry-Springer final thought:

"If you love your freedoms, thank a veteran." Donald, many thanks. Joe, special thanks and glad you're home safe with your little one. And Daddy, I've thanked you before but am most glad to say so again. So aim high, semper fi, and be all you can be. Love you...


Anonymous said...

Yet again, you truly amaze me. Have you ever thought of writing a novel?? you should, or just a book of short it, love it..
or...a critic!! If you are a book, just call me...hmmm...I guess I'm still a blank page...

Michelle said...

Hey Dr. Seuss can be deep. Does anyone truly know how it feels to be a fiffer-feffer-feff? You could be "To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street." I hope you have fun in Dallas. Wish I could be there!

Julia said...

I suppose Dr. Seuss can be deep. Personally I don't know how it feels to be a fiffer-feffer-feff, but I do know how it feels to be a star-belly-sneech. BTW, Dallas will have to happen without Eminem.