My friend Rocco has rants, and I usually go around listing pet peeves. Since Rocco ain't here to help me rant, I'm going to do it myself. Consider yourself warned.
1. Congratulations are in order to the newest member of my "declassification as a human" list. Arm yourselves with your rotten eggs, rotten tomatoes, dirty underwear, broken glass, semi-automatics, whatever, and welcome John Kerry. Way to go John. What an excellent job of opening your mouth and inserting your foot. Mr. Kerry seems to think that my brother, my nephew, and my friend Erin are uneducated. It doesn't matter how fancy your words are dear John. You just insulted my flesh and blood by calling them idiots, stupid, pathetic, whatever else can I derive from the word 'uneducated.' I've got two words for you John --
FUCK YOU!2. News flash peeps -- your skin color doesn't qualify as a disability -- which is what I told this black woman as I followed her inside Wal-Mart. I politely said, "excuse me ma'am, but you forgot to display your handicap parking sticker." She shot me a go-to-hell look....totally uncalled for. She had children with her so I decided not to pursue it. I do have enough sense to not embarrass a parent in front of his/her kids...although I must admit that I did show her a few fingers.
3. To my new neighbors in the Ford Center -- quit abusing my goaltender. I like Sean Connors and support him when he's between the pipes. But when Sebastien Centomo is on the ice, you will keep your mouths shut. And as a side note -- turn the damn flash off when you take pictures you moron.
4. I HATE FOOTBALL!!! I am sick and damn tired of taking it up the backside for the fucking football programs in this state -- you will notice that I am including the whole state and not just that pathetic institution in Norman. The time of the hockey game has been changed because of OU and OSU playing on TV this Saturday -- well I hope they both lose, no, I hope they get slaughtered. Maybe we should close all businesses (except for sports bars and restaurants) so we can rush home and watch a crappy sport on TV. Ohh, better yet, let's have police escort so we can get home quickly, fire up the grill, and have some hamburgers with our TV entertainment.
I think that's enough for now. I have to turn on the radio and make sure my hockey team wins tonight. If I get motivated I'll post pics later this week.