Alright already! I apologize for my lack of creative juices. I've been busy taking care of some other important things: my job, cleaning my apartment (yeah, like that'll happen), and hockey (hell yeah). For lack of any better ideas, here's another combined chapter...
1. "Freak on a Leash" by Korn
2. "Sledgehammer" by Peter Gabriel
3. "Scream" by Michael and Janet Jackson
4. "Land of Confusion" by Genesis
5. "911 is a Joke" by Public Enemy
6. "Cows with Guns" internet song that made the rounds a few years ago.
One of these things is not like the other. One of these things just doesn't belong...HA! Remember when it was fun and actually educational to watch Sesame Street?!? Anywho, all of these songs really do have something in common -- I like them because they have great videos. In the case of #1, it's not my only reason for liking the song. This list could go on forever and ever, but these ones stick out at this point in time. And now for my favorite bits from the videos...
1. Gotta be the bullet...the pioneer of the Matrix trilogy.
2.'s all about the dancing chickens. This is the only video that could ever de-throne Thriller as all time best.
3. Yes, I did pick something Jackson related and not Thriller (because that's too obvious).
4. Puppets! They're everywhere! This must be where Weezer got the muppet idea.
5. Old school rap...I love it...especially the guy laying in the gutter having convulsions (if you ever see it, you'll understand).
6. Somebody somewhere took a Dr. Demento worthy song and made an anime feature for it. Do a 'google' and maybe you'll find it.
Don't ya wish that MTV, VH1, and all their spin-off channels still showed videos? Hey, here's a deep thought for Jack Handy...if video killed the radio star, then who or what killed the video? Come on out you kings and queens of conspiracy theory....this one is right up your alley!
P.S. -- Earth to Jeff....this is ground control to Major Jeff....please respond!